Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the latest crop of future ALJ millionaires, forty-one proud, wise jurists, who have made a solid investment.
From the 11th floor, we have: Robert A., Susan C., Tim D., Sylvia F., Sharon F, Janet G., Michelle G., Effi G., Elizabeth G., Deena G., Steve H., Jean K., Felicia R., Ilene S. (and her brother, David S.), Joan S., Irwin S., and Mary V.
From the 10th floor, we have: Linda A., Susan B., Linda D., sharing a share with Jane O., Randi E., Ethan F., Peter H., Julie J., Regina K., Carolyn K., Viv. L., Steve L., Linda M., Mark M., Len M., Gillian S., Amy S., sharing a share with Madelon R., Michelle S., Christopher S. (me!), Evonne T., Neil T., and Susan V.
Good luck to us all!
I'll scan in the numbers tomorrow (I spent too much of today scanning documents into NYCServ to face anther scanner right now).